Our Services
Modern day slavery can be found in the food we eat, the clothes we wear and the products we buy. Businesses face new and growing expectations that production will comply with social and human rights criteria. Consumers are becoming more socially conscious with their purchasing decision and forced labour and human trafficking for the purpose of forced labour are becoming increasingly important issues for businesses
The United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights offers companies guidance on key themes for labour and human rights and are highly relevant to trafficking and forced labour.
In 2015 the Modern Slavery Act came into effect in the UK. Section 54 of The Act requires every business which supplies goods or services, and carries on a business or part of a business in the UK with a total annual turnover of £36m or more to produce a statement of the steps a business has taken during the financial year to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not occurring in their supply chains and in their own business. It is has now become known as the Transparency in Supply Chains clause (TISC).
Similar reporting legislation has existed in the US since the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act 2010, and more recently in Australia with Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018.
The Act further recommends that companies publish details regarding the training that is available to staff. However, most employees are not even aware of what modern slavery is and therefore lack the knowledge and tools for preventing, identifying and eradicating slavery from within their business and supply chain.
We help businesses understand what’s going on in their supply chains and show how to fix any issues.
Supply Chain Investigations
Our investigation team comprising former law enforcement, intelligence officers, and military specialist will help conduct complex investigations on organised crime, nationally or international levels.
Research and Reporting
We then employ a ‘think like a trafficker’ mindset in order to identify gaps in policies, practices and due diligence measures that allow modern slavery to infiltrate and flourish.
All Trainings
We cater to businesses, airlines, law enforcement professionals, human rights activists and more,
Business Trainings
Modern Slavery in Supply Chains
Our Modern Slavery in Supply Chains workshop is designed for businesses to understand what modern slavery is, how to identify it, and how to practically reduce its presence within their own business and supply chains.
Conducting Human Rights Investigations in Supply Chains
This workshop aims to enhance businesses’ internal capacity to investigate potential incidences of human rights violations in their supply chains. The workshop is customised and tailored to our client’s needs.
Other Trainings
Criminal Justice
We help build the capacity of criminal justice practitioners to identify, disrupt, investigate and support victims in cases of modern slavery, human trafficking and migrant smuggling.
We have developed a train-the-trainer package for airline operators to train their flight and cabin crews to ensure they can identify victims and have the confidence to respond appropriately.
Illustro’s Free Education Programs
We cater to businesses, airlines, law enforcement professionals, human rights activists and more,
Free Education Program
We offer a free workshop to students, parents and staff on how to spot the signs of trafficking and online grooming, as well as practical steps they can take to help secure their online interactions.
Student Support
If you are a current student and conducting or thinking of developing research in the field of modern slavery, then please get in touch. This is a FREE service and conducted online with one of our trainers.